October 24, 2019
Having a valuable property unoccupied for weeks, or even months is a key concern for many landlords. You might have experienced it yourself, the dread of entering your empty property to find it broken into vandalised or even worse, receiving a call that your investment has gone up in smoke. We understand these worries and the stress they place on owners. Find out more on how you can protect your vacant buildings and much more via our monthly blog here at Live-In-Guardians.
Property Guardianship is becoming the fastest-growing security solution for vacant commercial buildings for a key reason. We’ll get to this important factor soon – but for now, let’s look at the 5 easy steps to setting up a Guardianship Security Scheme, which you can do:
Information we need about the property will include it’s location, general state of repair, as well as whether you know the property will be unoccupied for the foreseeable future, or if only for a couple of months, for example.
This involves dedicating areas to kitchens, showering and bathroom facilities as well as allocating accommodation areas.
However, priority is given to guardians who have been given notice at a property that is returning to the owner, to ensure they are not left without a property to stay in. From this the invitations will be extended to all guardians on our roster. Taking care of our dutiful guardians every step of the way.
We will ensure, through careful consideration of the lifestyles and working hours of our guardians that your property is safe guarded and not left empty.
So, we can make alternative arrangements for the Guardians who have kept your property safe, clean and secure.
“Your duties are to protect and preserve our client's property by residing at the property on a full time basis, reporting any threats and/or risks to the property from vandals, trespassers and squatters and reporting any issues (eg: leaks, broken windows) which may adversely affect the structural integrity and infrastructure of our client's property.” Advice and Instruction to Guardians with licence agreements with Live-In-Guardians
Guardians enjoy exceptionally low living-costs in some of the most expensive parts of the UK, and for the savvy young professionals (who must all be in full-time employment) and mature students, this is the best method for them to live in the capital. Therefore, they are diligent, reliable, serious about safety, maintenance and security. While we don’t expect them to engage in physical security with say, attempts at break-ins, they are required to summon the police immediately. Additionally, they are required to actively check for as well as report damage and wear and tear to your property so that we can keep you informed. In the extremely unlikely event that one of our guardians accidentally damages your property in any way, we’ll cover the cost of repairs out of the Damage Security Payment that a guardian pays us at the beginning of their work with us. This is a crucial factor in Live-in Guardians being a market leader in security solutions for commercial property owners. Find out more on the vast amounts of money saved by utilising our services here
Live-In-Guardians are market-leading experts in guardian property services and vacant property management – to find out more, just ask!